
Emu Park to Yeppoon

What an amazing drive from Rockhampton to Emu Park and then from Emu Park to Yeppoon. I have taken several photos along the way but was fascinated by the beautiful park and views at Emu Park. Definitely a place I could live in.

The weather, this day, was overcast, and a little drizzly, but I didn't mind as it had been soo hot here it made the humidity bearable.

You can see Great Keppel Islands in the background. Also a must see.

Yes this is me taking a very rare selfy.

There are two Ghost Resorts near Yeppoon. I love visiting these sites and reading the stories. I have included some photos of the two. One was called the "Capricornia" Resort which they have tried to revive several times to no avail. It was originally built and is still owned by a Japenese Company. Both have an eery feeling about them.
See my photo bomber below and her joey.

The Palm Trees here are huge.
Most of the buildings are fenced off... as if there is hope that someone is going to revamp and reopen the resort. But I have been told by many locals that this is no longer going to happen.
Even the swimming pool looks sad, lifeless and ghostly.

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