
Sunday, June 10, 2018

RECIPE: Mini Cardamom & Lime Curd Tarts


185g Butter, chopped                                       24 mini, pre-cooked, Pastry Cases
2/3 cup Lime Juice                                           2 Limes, zest only
500g Caster Sugar                                            100g Caster Sugar, extra
4 Egg Yolks                                                      1/4 tsp Vanilla Essence (optional)
pinch of Cardamom (optional)


Zest the limes and place half of the mixture into a plastic container with extra caster sugar. Allow this to dry out in a non damp area of your kitchen. If you have time do this the day before serving the tarts. This will allow the sugar to crystalise with the zest and you will have a great topping for your tarts.

Place all remaining ingredients, bar the pre-cooked cases into a large metal bowl. Whisk together well then place covered on the bench.
You will need to create a water baine on your stove. To do this I use a saucepan or large pan that will fit the bowl on top. Fill half way with water and bring to a simmer. Once simmering place the bowl of mix on top. Using a wooden spoon, stir constantly until the mix thickens and coats the back of the spoon. If you prefer to use a sweets thermometer then you should reach approx 112 deg Celsius.

Take the curd off the stove and allow to cool. If using for the next day. Place in the fridge covered. If wanting to use straight away - place into a piping bag and fill pastry cases. Allow to set in the fridge for at least 1/2 an hour. 

Top tarts with crystilised lime zest and serve on platters.

I have added vanilla and cardamom to allow the taste to have a more smooth rather than tangy taste. You may like to omit these or infuse other flavours instead. Even using fine, mild,  chilli powder instead of cardamom can change this dessert completely. 

Garnish for high end parties: I have used crystalised flower petals, finely ground pistachios, macadamia brittle... the world is your oyster so create your own design.

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