
Wednesday, July 4, 2018

RECIPE: Mandarin and Lime Curd Tart

Mandarin and Lime Curd Tart


200g Niece or Marie Biscuits
100g Butter, melted for base
2tsp Chinese 5 Spice
2 Mandarins
2 Limes
125g Butter, melted for curd
4 Eggs
1/2cup Caster Sugar


Place biscuits in a food processor and process till a mixture of coarse and fine crumb. (This will give a more rustic appearance).
Place into a bowl and add 5 Spice and butter. Mix well. (NB: if you do not have Chinese 5 spice a small pinch of cinnamon and cardamom will do.)
Mix well to combine then press into a greased flan tin.
Place into the fridge to set.

For Curd: Place eggs and sugar into a heat proof bowl. Set up a saucepan half full of water onto the stove and bring to a gentle simmer. 
Whisk eggs and sugar together well. Zest the skin of one mandarin and one lime and add to the egg mix.
Cut all mandarins and limes in half and juice. Add to the egg mix. Mix well with a whisk then place over the simmering water, making sure the water doesn't touch the bottom of the bowl.
Using a wooden spoon mix ingredients over heat until thickens, this can take approx 25 minutes, be patient, and make sure you stir continuously to ensure the eggs do not scramble.
Once the curd has thickened add in the butter and combine well.
Place curd into the set base.
Allow to set for at least 4 hours or overnight.

Variations: You may like to take out 1/2 a mandarin juice and add 1 shot of Grand Marnier.

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